The purpose of confirmation is to prepare the student for life long active participation in the life of the church. It is a key part of a child/family’s faith development (along with baptism, Sunday School, etc.) toward a life long process of education and service with the Body of Christ (church).
The goal is to increase knowledge, deepen faith and socialize students into the worshiping community and service of the church. To that end, confirmation (and other stepping stones) will:
* encourage and teach parental involvement in the nurturing of their student’s faith
* help students understand the basic teachings of the Christian faith that they may confess their faith in the
Gospel of Jesus Christ
* help students and parents develop disciplines that will aid the nurturing of an active excited faith in Jesus Christ.
Confirmation at Memorial is a two year program for 7th & 8th graders. (Please note: for older students that would like to be confirmed, please talk with Pastor Asmus.)
All students and parents (both 1st & 2nd year) are asked to attend the orientation in August..

Concepts of the Program
This program intends to involve students with their parents in the teaching/learning process. Parental involvement is a key to growth in the Christian faith.
The format for the model will include large group teaching time, small groups and work to be done in the home.
Regular class attendance: Attend a minimum of four of each five (or six) -week class segments (can be absent one time) and attend a minimum of eight of each ten (eleven) -week class segments (can be absent two times).
Regular worship attendance at one of three weekend services: Out of town worship is included. Worship notes will be required of all our students and can be done when you visit other churches as well.
Regular attendance at Sunday morning Bible Class: Together with their fellow students, your student will establish a pattern of regularly growing through study of God’s Word.
Service Projects: Each student will complete two service projects with the class each year during their two years in confirmation.
Homework: Weekly review of materials at home between class sessions, including memory work.

Components of Confirmation
A. Survey of chronology/Bible History Overview - Developing a time line
Old Testament
New Testament
Typologies found within the scriptures. (Old Testament characters who give us a picture of Christ)
B. Chief Parts
Means of Grace; Baptism and Lord’s Supper
Apostle’s Creed
10 Commandments
Lord’s Prayer (beginning of prayer life)
C. Discipleship Training
Worship - Bible Reading training, meditation - Prayer time, Conversational prayer - Quiet time with the Lord;
Service and Spiritual Gifts
Sharing the Gospel
Caring for those in need
D. Faith Statements
Watch Luther Movie during Fall Retreat of 3rd year.
Pick topic and begin preparing Faith Statements at the Fall Retreat
Present Faith Statement and Confirmed on last weekend of October.